Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I Heart the Beach

My dog beach days with my canine pal are sadly numbered. We had a particularly great one yesterday though, and hopefully, we can sneak in a couple more in the next few weeks. I was a little, okay more than a little, hung over after a quick jaunt out to Joshua Tree Sunday night for W&L’s Halloween party, and almost settled for a nap instead of making the effort to go to dog beach. I’m so glad we did! I just always feel better after an afternoon out there. What am I going to do when my pal moves away? Sad.

The tide was really low yesterday. Lower than I’ve ever seen it at this particular beach and we always go at about the same time of the day. It made for an awesome rock and shell graveyard though at the bottom (or is that the top) of the beach where the surf is usually crashing. Maybe it’s because there was a full moon last night? Just as long as it wasn’t a sign that a tsunami is next.