Saturday, November 10, 2012

Three Little Birds

I woke up on the wrong side of the bed yesterday, literally and figuratively, after a restless, sleepless night. They say things come in threes and I had three pretty big – I’m gonna go with disappointments – so here’s hoping I’m good for awhile. Why are human interactions so complicated, anyway? Seems simple enough: be nice, be honest, and be trustworthy. Those three tenets work well in every situation I can think of, actually. But, I was feeling like one of those enormously tall Beverly Hills palm trees on an extra windy day. Being pushed and pulled by forces of nature I couldn’t see, much less control.

So I had myself a morning freeway meltdown complete with the long phone chat with an old friend. Had a good cry and a good laugh and got some good advice. And some much needed love.

And I suddenly noticed what an incredibly beautiful day it was. The sky was clearer than I’d seen it since I’ve been in LA. Thanks to the cold front that brought the all day long chilly rain that dogged me on the freeway for four long hours the night before – big, bright, and gorgeously blue, with big, white, fluffy clouds, and most importantly, not a smidgen of smog. You could see for miles and miles in all directions. Sometimes, when I’m in my car and the windows are down and the sun is bright and the air is fresh and the tunes are blaring and I look over and the Pacific Ocean is right there and I turn my head and the San Gabriel mountains are right there and then the City of Angels is just right there and it is utterly, breathtakingly surreal that I am actually here. This was one of those moments. I sincerely hope that moment never gets old.

I could have driven around for hours yesterday simply enjoying the sun and the air – if I hadn’t been so astonishingly tired. Went home and took a nap instead. Naps are good too. The thing to remember is the palm trees may bend, and sometimes alarmingly so, but they don’t break.

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