Thursday, December 6, 2012

Intervention Anyone?

I've had sleep issues for as long as I can remember. More specifically, lack of sleep issues. Does anyone have too much sleep issues? Narcoleptics, I guess. These days though, I seem to have given up sleep altogether. Unless it's the morning, when I should be getting up. Then I could sleep like the proverbial baby, well except for the daily trash truck and/or recycling truck and the incessant gardening with power tools. I don't know what the neighbors are growing out here in the valley, but they certainly do enjoy landscaping in the early a.m. hours, with as many pieces of motorized equipment as they can possibly get their hands on.

But actually going to bed and sleep at a respectable time of night? What's that? You would think this lack of sleep pattern would translate into blog postings, wouldn't you? Lots of late night/early morning ruminations on all the oh so deep thoughts swirling around in my head that are seemingly the cause of my awakeness? Nope. Apparently, I just desperately need to get caught up on The Tudors or Breaking Bad or Weeds or 30 Rock or...I haven't even started Downton Abbey yet! #addictedtostreamingnetflix #helpme

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