Friday, September 28, 2012

Drive Friendly

I seriously thought that I would spend all this time alone in my car thinking big thoughts. You know, figuring out all sorts of things that seemingly need to be figured out. So far, not so much. But today, I found myself thinking about how grateful I am to have the time to think about how grateful I am. Then I started making a list in my head of everything I was grateful for at that moment. And then I remembered the voice recorder on my iPhone that I never remember to use:

windshield wipers
a small appetite
a healthy bladder
wide open Texas skies that look like a Magritte painting
good music
cruise control
people who I love who love me right back
zen road signs

Why does your own voice sound so unlike you, to you? I think I'll give that some big thought time tomorrow. "Drive Friendly", y'all.

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