Monday, September 24, 2012

Begin the Beguine, yo.

You might be wondering what a Cole Porter standard and I and this adventure I've embarked on have in common. Well, the song was once described as "a maverick, an unprecedented experiment". Yeah, neither this adventure or me are either of those things really. But, we both "depart drastically from the conventional form". At least that's what people tell me. Depending on who you talk to, quitting your perfectly good job in a struggling economy and moving 3000 miles away from your family and friends is either "badass" or "idiotic". Hey, I'm nothing if not optimistic, so I'm going with badass!

Four weeks ago, I sent my friend, Casey in California, who just happened to be in need of a roommate, a check for three months rent. Three weeks ago, I quit my job. Two weeks ago, I sold a whole bunch of my stuff. Last week, I started packing what was left. Today, I crammed (almost) everything I own into my car and started driving towards the setting sun. Yep, definitely optimistic.