Wednesday, February 20, 2013

An Officer and a Gentlewoman

"I pulled you over because you were going 54 in a 40 mile an hour zone."

"Oh, sorry. I'm usually the one being honked at and passed on this road. Honestly, didn't realize I was speeding."

"What are you up to tonight? Where you coming from?"

"A friend's house. Bunch of ladies hanging out, swapping clothes. Good, clean fun."

"Have anything to drink tonight?"

"Had a glass of wine."

"What time was that?"

"What is it now, 10ish? Around 7."

"I'm gonna need to see your license."

"Okay. It's in my bag, in the back."

"That's fine. Step on out and get that for me."

"What are you, visiting?"

"Sort of. I'm house-sitting for a friend just up the road, off of Border."

"See the tip of my pen here? I'm gonna need you to follow that with your eyes. Don't move your head. Just your eyes."

"Ha. Oh, sorry. I thought you were gonna move it back over to the other side just then."

"You can step back in your car now."

"Here ya go. Take it easy on your speed, okay?"

"I definitely will. Thank you!"

Seriously, thank you, Officer Whoeveryouare, who looked young enough to be my offspring!
I owe you one.

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